Sunday, September 28, 2008

Your vote this upcoming election: more than just an opinion?

In the editorial section of the Sunday New York Times, I came across an article arguing that Congress should require voter-verified paper records for every electronic ballot cast due to the unreliability of electronic voting machines. The writer warranted their claim by stating the various serious problems of electronic voting, including miscounts, vote flipping, and the use of uncertified software for the machines. The appeals of this argument are aimed primarily at logic, logos, for there are serious problems which need to be fixed. Also, the author is appealing to ethos by giving the reader a sense of worry that their vote may not be counted properly. Furthermore, in critiquing this argument, there is not much to assess for it is very straightforward. However, it would have been a stronger case if the writer included a pathos, emotional appeal, by emphasizing the effect the flaws of the machine can have on the outcome of the election. Since many Americans identify very strongly with their political views, the possibility that their vote will be compromised will most likely make them feel more passionate about the unreliability of the electronic voting machines. 

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