Monday, October 13, 2008

Fear Used as Political Ploy

Over the past few weeks, one can not seem to escape talk about how the economy is laying in ruins with the recent financial crisis. Families have become consumed with inescapable fear which is reinforced through the media's stunts. Newspaper and television news shows advertise frightening headlines such as: "a present day Great Depression?" and "Financial crisis: whose to blame?" With modern day technology more advanced and popular than ever, the media has become an authority figure in itself. It is American's primary informational source, and just like physical beings, can and has been ruling through the tactics of fear and suspicion. For example, by the media relating the present day crisis to the Great Depression, many are fearful of their future, and thus pulling out their shares in stocks, which only throws the economy into greater deficit. These horrific headlines and parallels to the 1930's stock market crash draw in more viewers. 
In addition, McCain and Obama are using the financial crisis as a tool for their campaigns. Both candidates tell us their definition of whose to blame and why. Thus, they share the political ploy of making us more afraid of our financial future, and telling us whose to blame for this. This manipulates us into thinking they are the solution to our economic ailment.
We must never underestimated the power fear has on the human race, it consumes the individual, warping their judgement, and making them susceptible and blind to corruption. 

1 comment:

Lena M. said...

This is such an interesting post, I completely agree! Obviously our economy isn't in the best shape possible, but the majority of our "crisis" is based off of fear. I think it builds both candidates' ethos, because in times of peril we are more likely to believe anything they promise us. The media is so powerful, if it told us the economic recession wouldn't affect any of us we would probobly believe it. It just goes to show the effects perilous times can have on a person's mindset.